E-Trucks Europe present at opening first hydrogen refueling station
On September 3rd State Secretary Mansveld of Infrastructure and Environment opened the first refueling station in Rhoon for cars and trucks that run on hydrogen. It is the first of twenty filling stations that will be established in the upcoming years in the Netherlands.
E-Trucks Europe was invited for the festive opening en brought along the garbage truck from CURE (Eindhoven) which is equipped with a hydrogen range extender. “E-Trucks Europe is one of several companies who invest in innovation of hydrogen. Which is not only good for our economy, but it also contributes to our ambition to find durable transport solutions,’ according to State Secretary Mansveld.
“During combustion hydrogen is used to power the electrical power train, which only leaves clean water vapor as a residue. That makes it one of the solutions for cleaner cities, while the air quality improves and electric vehicles hardly make any noise.”
Source photo State Secretary Mansveld: Deltalinqs Energy Forum